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Mateusz Buda
Paweł Kobojek

This blog post is a comprehensive tutorial for scraping public Instagram profile information and posts using Scraping Fish API. We will be scraping posts from a profile that lists old houses for sale to find the best deal.

We prepared accompanying python notebook shared on GitHub repository: instagram-scraping-fish. To be able to run it and actually scrape the data, you will need Scraping Fish API key which you can get here: Scraping Fish Requests Packs. A starter pack of 1,000 API requests costs only $2 and will let you run this tutorial and play with the API on your own ⛹️. Without Scraping Fish API key you are likely to get blocked instantly ⛔️.


It’s important to point out that we are using Instagram private (undocumented) API for scraping. This blog post and the code were last updated in February 2024. If Instagram changes something in their API that we rely on, this tutorial may no longer work and will have to be adjusted. If you experience any problem, feel free to open an issue on GitHub and we will investigate it.

Scraping use case

As an example to test Scraping Fish capabilities to scrape Instagram we will fetch and parse data from posts shared by a public profile Stare domy 🏚 (Old Houses). It is an aggregate listing of old houses for sale in Poland. Post descriptions in this profile provide fairly structured data about the property, including location, price, size, etc.